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Who is Chicago CAPMAP?
Group Leader:
Bruce Winstein |
Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics Post-Doctoral Fellows:
Matt Hedman (now at the Cornell University) |
Dorothea Samtleben (still collaborating from the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Bonn, Germany) |
Jeff McMahon (also working on the SPT experiment) |
Graduate Students:
Colin Bischoff |
Keith Vanderlinde (now at the South Pole for the SPT experiment) |
Undergraduate Students:
Liam Fitzpatrick |
Peter Hamlington |
Hannah Barker |
Maire Daly |
In addition, we collaborate with groups at several different

Faculty: Suzanne Staggs |
Post-Doctoral Fellow: Phil Farese |
Graduate Students: Denis Barkats, Jeff McMahon,
Lewis Hyatt, Glen Nixon |

Faculty: Josh Gunderson |
Graduate Student: Eugenia Stefanescu |

 | Todd Gaier |